A children’s day camp in the Glen
Sometime between 1955 and 1957 Howard Meath (brother of well known local radio personality Eddie Meath) and his wife Elaine purchased the glen from Patrick Corbett’s daughter-in-law Mary, the wife of his son Charles.
They did this in order to facilitate its purchase by the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) to use as its camp property. When the CYO declined the purchase, the Meaths decided to make it into a day camp themselves.
The camp was operated in the glen from 1958 to 1974. During the summer the camp would operate on week days. On weekends the camp was rented out for twenty-five dollars per event, just as Mary Corbett had done.
Howard has reported that he had fond memories of the camp and the kids but remembers the neighbors as being quite difficult to get along with. The Meaths often had problems with the neighborhood kids’ vandalism. In the early ‘70s, loud rock bands were becoming common and the glen was used for several rock concerts.
In 1974 complaints from neighbors lead to the arrest of Mr. Meath and band members and the placing of a moratorium on further events. At this point the Meaths had had enough – this spelled the end of the renting of the glen for public events. The pavilions soon disappeared as a result of vandalism and neglect.